Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Back to Bikram

Bikram is a type of yoga that is practiced in a heated environment; it consists of 26 postures and is done in 90 minutes. It was designed to work every inch of the body and is practiced all over the world.  Okay - spiel done.

In April of last year I was invited to attend a Bikram yoga class with a friend and ended up going to classes regularly at my local studio. My first class was bruuuuutal! I got really dizzy and sweat out of pores I didn't know I had - not to mention that the poses were super HARD. The worst part though, was the headache I ended up with later that day. I learned after that first day how extremely important it is to stay well hydrated before class, during class and after class. Yes, you end up peeing a lot, but it's way better than getting dehydrated.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Music Monday - Daughter

I love checking out fresh music and hearing new artists. One of the best gifts I ever received was a mix CD full of amazing songs I had never heard before. My goal with Music Monday is to highlight a song or artist that I currently have on repeat each week. I hope you get to hear some new music too - let me know if you like it, aren't sure or totally hate it!

I have had Daughter playing in a separate tab every time I have been at my computer this week. They are a new-ish group from London, England and have 2 EPs out right now. Their sound is so beautiful, with simple melodies, amazing instrumentals and very intimate lyrics. I hope you check out more of their stuff. Oh! And they are coming to North America for a tour in May! Suh-weeeeet!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Hitting the Books

(Image via We Heart It)

Right now I'm trying really hard to think positively about the CRNE, the national board exam for nurses, that I have to take in 9 days. According to this quote I'll pass, right?

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Taking a Trip!

I love to go somewhere. Sometimes I get these urges, like, "Man, I just really  want to get on a plane right now. Even if it's on it's way to Edmonton." Packing a suitcase and getting out of town can be such a good feeling! And that's exactly what I did this past weekend. As stated in an earlier post, I have been on "hiatus" from life with work or school for the past few weeks and I was starting to get a liiiiittle bit stir crazy. Luckily for me, my very good friend Jenae is living in Whistler for a bit and invited me up for a few days. It was such a good time! We have so much fun together - even if it's just watching our favourite TV shows in our pyjamas while eating trail mix by the handful.

Day 2 - Check out that sunset!
Day 3 - Exploring!
Day 4 - C-c-c-cold! But Beautiful!

Highlights from the trip include the beautiful sunny weather that lasted all five days, falling off a plowed trail into a snowbank, smoked salmon eggs benedict (enough said), and traipsing through a variety of luxury hotel lobbies.

I had the best time and it was exactly what I needed! Thank-you Jenae for hosting me - it was absolutely lovely! Xo

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Why I Love This Team...

Ryan Kesler Bags Groceries at Save-On Foods

"That's gonna spill...FOR SURE."

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

On Being Productive

What is it about having an empty schedule that sucks motivation and productivity right out of a person? I graduated from nursing school last month but haven't been able to start working yet - not for a few more weeks. Someone might think, "You have so much free time! You should purge your closet, get to the gym, take up a new hobby, study for your board exam...(ahem ).." Unfortunately, my body likes schedules, routines and places to be.

On the bright side, this strange hiatus from school and work has given me the chance to catch up on sleep, read a few books, take a trip to visit someone special (more on that later), and start this blog - something I've always thought about doing!

Perhaps I should tackle that studying in the morning.

Friday, 18 January 2013

A Favorite Quote

A friend is one to whom you can pour out the contents of your heart, chaff and grain alike. Knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.